your day
With god
A Preacher in Spite of Himself
I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ.….... Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine, a Timothy 4:1, 2.
We left James White yesterday still rebelling against the call of God. "Finally" he reports, "I resolved that I would do my duty. Soon afterward a "sweet peace from God flowed into my mind, and Heaven seemed to shine around me. I raised by hands and praised God with the voice of triumph." His struggles with his earthly ambitions did not end, but at least he was moving in the right direction. James witnessing made an impact from the very beginning. At one place a woman called together about 25 of her neighbors, none of whom professed to be Christians. He gave his witness, then bowed to pray. I "was astonished," he wrote, "to find that these twenty-five sinners all bowed with me. I could but weep. They all wept with me." He was having success, but felt constantly torn between his earthly ambitions and God's call to preach the Advent near. "The struggle" he penned, "was a severe one." After one occasion in which he "felt embarrassed" because his preaching was so impoverished because of a lack of biblical knowledge, he was shocked to hear some of his hearers address him as "Elder White." "The word Elder," he recalled, "cut me to the heart. I was confused and about paralyzed."
Things went along fairly well until he attempted to speak in the presence of two preachers who had not accepted the Advent doctrine. After 20 minutes he became
"confused and embarrassed, and sat down." At that point he notes, "I finally gave up all for Christ and his gospel, and found peace and freedom". Beyond surrender, James saw that if he was to be a successful preacher he needed to prepare himself for the task. As a result he tells us, I purchased "Advent publications, read them closely, studied my Bible," and spoke publicly as God opened the way.
We can find a lesson in James Whites experience for all of us. Of course, we are not all called to become ministers, but God summons each of us to use the talents that He has given us. Some of us have an ongoing struggle in responding. The good news is that God does not lose patience with us. Just as He did with James, He will continue to work with us so that He can work through us. Our daily prayer must be that God will not only show us His will but that we will accept His will for our lives.