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Strawberry Soriano

15 באפר׳ 2023

"Nature and revelation alike testify of God's love. Our Father in heaven is the source of life,of wisdom,of joy." (Ellen G. White, Steps to Christ ch.1 p.6)

As springtime comes,here we are once again traversing a road less travelled. TEL Aviv Seventh-day Adventist Church members prepared for a mountain hiking adventure at the rocky mountains of Eilat desert. The Red Canyon gets it's name fromt he phenomenon which occurs when sunlight hits the reddish rock that lines the canyon.Ot then glows with an intense reddish color.The rock is varied in color and in patches is shades of white and yellow.The movement of rivers, the processes of weathering and erosion, and tectonic activity create canyons. Sediments from the river bed are carried downstream, creating a deep,narrow channel.The sides of the canyon will narrow into what is known as the "Red Canyon".The trail takes around 75 minutes to complete.

Almost a 5-hour trip by bus led us to the rocky mountains. Indeed a marvelous sight to see,  and to honor God's wonderful creations,we begun our day with offering songs of praise and prayer and went through with our morning devotional program before the hiking starts.

Walking through a rocky pathway leading to the entrance of the canyon,the sun slowly touches the rocks that it begun to change its color from brown to a magnificent red,revealing a lustrous ombres of earth tone colors. You cannot help but admire and wonder how nature is revealing the glorious works of our Creator.One by one our members began to trail the slopes and curvy turns of the canyon, photos and videos were taken as a remembrance from that wonderful place. The trails are tricky but safety rails are installed through the rocks as a support for the hikers. Tourist from other country where there as well.As the hikers finished the trail we've gone back to our busses and shared our lunch and prepare for our next destination. The hiking experience was a refresher to one's body and mind relieving a bit of stress from a week's work.

Our next stop was in TEL BEER SHEVA NATIONAL PARK. Hailed in 2005 by the UNESCO as WORLD'S HERITAGE SITE.There inscribed the three Biblical tales of Hazor,Meggido,and Beer Sheva because of ots outstanding universal significance. These mounds , mentioned frequently in the Bible , were chosen out of approximately 200 tales as the best examples of cities from the time of the Bible.The intensive archaeological excavations carried out these mounds.Among the impressive archaeological vestiges are gates,  walls, temples,storehouses, stables, and water systems.

Jacob's well is located at the entrance of the village.The well in this present day is well preserved along with the drainage tunnel that we went through.The water system was established as apart of the city's fortification and was intended to ensure the inhabitants access to the water reservoir.It is a 17 meters deep lined with stones with a flight of steps along its sides.The site and the whole park is well maintained,  and the underground reservoir will amazed you as you go through steps by steps leading you to the underground tunnel and you will marvel at the size of the chambers..An experience that will bring you into a time machine like on how people from old times had pave a way to built their own water system.As we were walking,I keep humbling myself how the old civilization advances to the technology we are having today.The stones and the walls echoes the history of unparalleled endurance and victory of the Israelites from all their surrounding nations who tried to conquer them but none prevailed.

Exhausted but fulfilled. It is a one time if not of a lifetime experience,long travel hours was worth it.

Our trip department have made best efforts to ensure everyone's safety and enjoyment,during and after the trip.Also with our Medical team who are in charge of first aid kits and medicines in case of emergency.Memories captured in digital prints are posted in our Facebook page and everyone in the trip can grab their photos.All thanks to our Media ministry department as well  our church Elders who supervised everything along the way.Hand in hand everything went smoothly.All's well and ends well.See you again brethren on our next ride!!!

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